Paper Shredding Dublin (Data Processing Service)

Data Destruction (Dublin Area)

Shredding documents In Dublin as part of industrial paper shredding method for your business is now must be implemented under the data protection act.

All businesses are and if not they should be aware of their responsibility to segregate and dispose of their general waste and recycling. These rules have been established under the Irish Waste Management Act 2001 which can be viewed at;

Within this Act it is essential for all Organisations to use a waste processing firm that is reputable and has the required certifications from their relevant County Council and in turn the client has full traceability of their waste materials.

When dealing with sensitive paper data that has reached its end of life hiring any Dublin paper shredding service may not be sufficient and may not achieve full compliance. Cost should never be the determining factor when hiring a Dublin document shredding service, the cheapest may not achieve compliance and it is compliance that is required by Organisations to achieve in order to protect their data and their public image.

As detailed above waste recyclers are also known as material processors, similarly companies that offer data destruction services are not only waste processors but they are Data Processors. It is this title of “Data Processor” that drastically differentiates a recycling firm from a Data Processing Firm. It is The Data Protection Acts that recognise Data Processors and Data Controllers and if a data breach occurred and it was found that for example the Dublin paper shredding firm was not a data processing firm they may argue that the Data Protection Acts do not apply to them as they were simply processing material not data. It is important for all Organisation to be aware of this point as they may be receiving a Dublin materials shredding service at a more attractive cost however, they are not receiving a fully compliance and data protecting service. The following applies to many industries and services; “The cheapest is not always the best”.


Questions to ensure that your Dublin Paper shredding vendor is a Data Processor;

  • Is your Organisation a member of an Industry Representation Body in Ireland?

Required Ans;  Yes


  • Does your Dublin Document Shredding Company process various recyclable material on the same site as the paper shredding?

Required Ans;  No


  • Does your Dublin Paper Shredding Company ship various material to the recycling market other than data carrying materials (e.g. Cardboard, plastics)?

Required Ans;  No


  • Is your Company Certified from an Independent Body in Ireland for European Security Standard EN 15713 and not “Self-Certified”?

Required Ans;  Yes, we are certified by an independent body in Ireland.


  • Is your Dublin Paper Shredding Company listed on The Data Protection Commissioner’s Public Register of Data Processors? Can you give me your reference No.?

Required Ans;  Yes, we are and you can see us on the list if you visit  


  • Do you use Data Processing Agreements?

Required Ans;  Yes